Dynamic DNS Updaters
Many people have been asking for software to update their DNS on our servers dynamically.
Below are some of the clients that have been developed to work with our DNS servers by third-party software developers. Please contact them for more information.
If you would like to create your own Dynamic Updater for use with our service, go to our
API Protocol page for information on coding.
myDynIPPro - Powerful Windows based DDNS tool.
NeoUpdate 1.10 - Unix based platforms - GNU GPL License - FREE
DynSite - DynSite for Windows
- Get the NEW Plug-in file
Direct Update - Direct Update for Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP
wwdupdate - wwdupdate is a simple automatic IP updater in PHP for Unix OpenBSD and compatible. It updates your current dynamic IP address to one or several domains. You can also configure it in a per-subdomain basis, allowing you to choose the record type for each subdomain.
If you know of any others that should be listed, or wish to create one, please let us know.
Note: If you are using a standard account instead of dynamic, the minimum TTL is 360 so keep in mind that
when using the above software, you may have downtime up to the TTL of 360 seconds.
We have new accounts online for Dynamic DNS hosting which allow your TTL to go as low as
60 seconds to ensure your IPs are changed around the world when you update them.